It also lets you edit NPCs and items, even the weather. NPCs who have died remain dead, items left in storage can be retrieved, and so on. While you could switch to another savegame to play your Khajiit archer for a while, Proteus lets you import your characters into an existing world state-meaning you can switch to a character with their own items, skills, and spells, but keep your current quest progression. Plenty of fans have taken it upon themselves to fix bugs, optimize and overhaul systems, and make the user interface more to their liking. Or maybe they've modded full, networked multiplayer into the game. We all know the reputation Bethesda's games have. The easiest way to do that is to install it separately for every single game you want to mod. One downside to Mod Organizer 2 is that if you plan to mod multiple different games with it, switching between them can be a hassle. If you really care about how neat your folders look, Mod Organizer 2 is probably for you. Mod Organizer 2Īs an alternative to Vortex, Mod Organizer 2 is meant for modders who plan to do a lot of experimenting, keeping separate profiles and installing then uninstalling various mods. Make sure to download the version that lets you pick a custom install installation if you don't have Skyrim on your C drive.

It's simple to use, and it works with a number of other games like the Fallout series, the Witcher series, Darks Souls, XCOM 2, and lots more. Thanks for watching our Skyrim Mod Spotlight! Cheap Games on G2A - Use Coupon Code 'Mods' at checkout for 3% off! You can also earn mo.For downloading, installing, and managing Skyrim Special Edition mods, we recommend Vortex. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances.

Play in bar get 25 gold and a bed for the night, but the best part is your character sings and plays a flute or lute or even a drum and if a follower is with you and has an lute will play along if the song has two parts to it. Steam workshop has an awesome mod called: Become a Bard, you get a long working quest-line to become well-known in Skyrim and can even play for jarls and high king. BigBizkit: Thanks, DeserterX, for joining us today: as always, we like to start the interview off by you telling us a bit about yourself. Today we are talking to DeserterX a long time member of our Nexus Mods community and author of many incredibly detailed armour mods for Fallout 4 and Skyrim.